Friday, August 10, 2007

topographical amnesia

we do not have exact datas on the frequency of the actual manifestation of the so called topographical amnesia-let this medical term exist here- in our lives. but first we need to exempify or make it more concrete what this term means. an example that i happened to experience- im terrible sorry for the inappropriate example :

for ages, we have our toiletchain on one side-that is on the right side,but somehow i can mix the sides up sometimes.we might have experienced the same or almost the same incongruous movements.

as it turned out, this strange mental disorder has been registered within medical circles as transient topograhical amnesia.

although, this state of mind is transitory, it might suggest the inclination to Alzheimer's Disease,or doesn't it?

transient topograhical amnesia appears in fiction. i would ,hereby, reflect upon the case of Raggle Gumm's example in Philip K. Dick's Time Out Of Joint.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Short Review of 'Children of Men'

Ever wonder why are there so many dystopic films these days? Well, i thought that these films had their renessaince long ago ('Blade Runner', the 'Alien' series, Mad Max or '12 Monkeys'), but luckily they revived with '28 days later ' and, the freshest piece, 'The Children of Men'(based on P.D.James's novel).
Clive Owen (you know him from 'Sin City' - you know the guy with red Converse shoes)- lives his seemingly simple life in world where there have not been a single newborn's crying for 27 years. His friend Jasper Palmer (Michael Caine) lies in a remote place, far from London. He and his disabled wife live in remote woods, in perfect tranquility. I could not observe that Jasper really looks like the elder John Lennon - not to mention his attitude towards peace and marijuana. Well, it is not the only mark of British popular culture.When Theo (Owen) and Patrick (Charlie Hunnam) are having a conversation, we cannot help noticing the flying pig above London, which obviously refers to Pink Floyd's Animal album.
Anyway, Theo gets a mission to do from his ex-wife, Julian Moore to help a pregnant fuggee get on boat, called Tomorrow'. And from then on we are keen to see what is going to happen to them.
I intentionally do not tell the story of the film, i do not want to spoil it, though it would be very worthy, as it operates on original wit (the scene Michael Caine confesses the use of the tranquilizer), scenery (road to Bexton) and heavy filmic solutions (like the frequent use of Doggicam).
I do believe that this movie is going to be a great success, because the budget of $72,000,000 seems to be well invested.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Euthanasia - Right to Die?

In respect to the issue of euthanasia, as a method, I do not personally see any differences from a physician assisted suicide and DNR order. However, there are active and passive cases of euthanasia- even within passive euthanasia; we can distinguish active – where the patient is conscious, and the passive-passive euthanasia, where his/her relatives are in charge of the body. But the controversy comes up when talking about the ethical right of “Whose body is it?”.

Since Oregon State’s Death with Dignity Act became passed in 1994, the issue of euthanasia has widely been criticized and supported by different groups of religion, politics and other minorities. Moreover, it raises several serious moral, religious and ethical questions.

The legalization of the Measure 16 – another official name of the Death with Dignity Act – means that a physician assisted dying is acceptable in Oregon, with restrictions of course.[1] This law enables an adult, who is capable and of Oregon origin to address a prescription to his/her physician if s/he has been diagnosed with terminal illness.

There was also a fear of coming too many people to Oregon who has also been diagnosed with terminal illnesses. The number of terminally ill people who took advantage of this Measure was 246. In a very recent opinion-essay[2], on the homepage of death with dignity national center, Dr. Daniel Spitz who is probably against a physician assisted death said:

If it's happening, it's being done very quietly and in a way that doesn't create any alarm for the public and authorities …

In Canada, Sue Rodriguez (August 2, 1950 – February 12, 1994) was helped to die by a physician. Sue Rodriguez was a desperate advocate for assisted suicide. She was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) but fought for the legal right to have an assisted suicide. But under Canadian laws, assisted suicide must be severely punished. It can take the maximum of 14 years imprisonment. She tried to get opinion passed as a law twice, but none of her trying succeeds. On September 30, 1993 the Standard Council of Canada held 5-4 against her[3].

On a Canadian blog site[4] one of the comments informs us that Sue Rodriguez suffered a painful death and:

…her muscles had atrophied to the point that her joints would no longer stay in their sockets. Her shoulders were constantly dislocated…

The comment goes on. It reflects on Rodriguez’s famous question: Whose body is it?”. The comment agrees with the notion of having full control of one’s body. She finally committed suicide with the help of a doctor. According to a friend of hers, Sven Robinson there were only two people, an unnamed doctor and himself, when Rodriguez passed away on 12, February 1994.

Another case, which is very recent,[5] involves a 60-year-old mother, who killed her 36-year-old son who was suffering in multiple sclerosis. Marielle Houle, the mother won’t be going to jail, however the Criminal Code in Canada could provide a 14-year maximum sentence for her. Her son, Charles Fariala killed himself by the previously selected drug intake, to which he gathers information from the Internet. After taking the drugs, Marielle tied his hands and put a paper bag on his head. She defended herself as she wanted her son to die with dignity.

I would personally label this case as something extreme, but is it not extreme if it is brought to hospital and a doctor assists the son to die? I established that there is no real difference between the methods of mercy-killing, but I have not spoken whether mercy-killing is legal and acceptable morally or ethically?

Both cases reveals two types of mercy-killings: Rodriguez’s case is about trying to get full control of one’s own body, which failed- but what if it had happened in – for example Oregon? The second one is about taking control of another body, although the son wanted to die, to which his mother assisted. In what way are we responsible for our own or other’s body?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

ipod therefore i am

i deliberately paraphrase this sentence as a title of this article as this is one of the books that deals with the ipod unique existence. in this way i'd like to thank to mimi, who lent me this book. also, there is another book on ipod, written and edited by newsweek CEO, Steven Levy.
what makes this tiny gadget so irresistible? the creator of ipod, steve jobs preferred style more than anything else, which might sound foolishly, but when he announced his nano, everyone was waiting for a tremendous show with fireworks. instead of this, what jobs did was nothing else, but he got the nano out from his back pocket, telling others that this little thingy would revolutionalize the whole market. it was that simple, and it worked.
according to an article the iPod's marketshare has increased from 53% to 68% from 2005 to 2006, and even the Queen and the Pope has their own (with Beethoven and Vivaldi on it).

since walkmans (or walkmen), there has been a need for a certain escapism for people with their favourite music. more clearly, people love creating mini-atmospheres around themselves by listening to their music. (i hereby would like to excuse for talking about nonsense - but these are my opininons)
in 2006 there is a difference. obviously, we do not have 90-min of music, but we have days of music on our ipods. it got faster to transfer music to the streets, than it used to be the situation. not only that , but much much more music can be stored on ipods.

it was jobs who said that with the appearance of the 5th generation ipods, the focus is not on the music for a while, but on photos, notes and most importantly movies. itunes is offering thousands of movies (series ,sitcoms, blockbusters etc.) for the price of a single cappuccino (i refer to newsweek here)

so far it is morepopular than beer in american universities, which is an unusual situation. so far so good ,apple! what's next?

Monday, November 06, 2006

ipod phenomenon - coming soon


i hope you were not thinking that i was gonna miss the opportunity to write about my all-time favourite electronic gadget, which enables millions of happy people to have the soundtrack of their lives!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

HJÄRHOLM- experience

HJÄRHOLM- experience

viva la ikea

why do people love ikea? because, according to its marketing-philosophy: design and quality do not cost a fortune. That statement led Ingvar Kamprad, who at the

age of 17, established the international home furnishings retailer in 1943. and ikea started to produce all the furniture you need. it also mixes different styles for

different people with different plans. you can have modern kitchen, classic living room, or a campus-like condominium. you just have to decide.

ikea goes to hollywood

as the ikea-craze was shown in 'fight club', you can immediately recognize that ikea is really for everyone. even a single boy- as his marital status suggests- can have

his own ikea style at home. if you watch the film, you might be like, 'hey, i want that piece' - as hundreds of young rebells want to resemble tyler durden by wearing

the very same clothes. if you see something - in our case an ad on tv- you want to have it. old story. and ikea really is on circulating its quality. for example, it

distrubutes book-like catalogues, from which you just have to choose the appropriate style that fits to your home. buying in ikea is a way of living. an average family

can have catalogue-like living room of which they can be proud. and ikea also focuses on the production of combination units. that is units that are capable of being

combined with other elements, only your imagination can obstruct the number of variations.
the swedish retailer company also involves children into the circulation of shopping. playing rooms, menus for kids are available in the restaurant, etc.
in short this can be what is ikea about.

all in all ikea does revolutionize the (re)furnishment of your home. it provides quality from less money than you might expect. and this company really knows what it's

doing, isn't it?

btw, HJäRHOLM is a name for ikea, produced by the ikea name generator (, which produces random names (that is never

can you get the same names).

where are those strange names coming from? an unofficial site is trying to find the answer. interesting. some examples:

Materials, curtains: women’s names

Garden furniture: Swedish islands

Carpets: Danish placenames

Lighting: terms from music, chemistry, meteorology, measures, weights, seasons, months, days, boats, sailors’ language


i will return to the reality stuff, but let a small detour come: ikea.
very briefly, i tried to summarize the ikea- phenomenon.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

coming up...

at the weekend i would like to move on with a new topic: what is Reality? If you have time please, try to find out the answer, i promise, i will come up a possible interpretation soon.
I try to analyze the way Philip K. Dick perceives and depicts the surrounding world in his works.
once again: i am trying to share my viewpoints on the topics, please do not take them seriously, aaand i don't seem to have proper English, so please forgive me.


ps- i keep on checking latest topics, so when a new topic appears, it does not mean an end to another!

thank you: