coming up...

at the weekend i would like to move on with a new topic: what is Reality? If you have time please, try to find out the answer, i promise, i will come up a possible interpretation soon.
I try to analyze the way Philip K. Dick perceives and depicts the surrounding world in his works.
once again: i am trying to share my viewpoints on the topics, please do not take them seriously, aaand i don't seem to have proper English, so please forgive me.
ps- i keep on checking latest topics, so when a new topic appears, it does not mean an end to another!
thank you:
First of all I really think that there's nothing wrong with your english, in fact I'm amused, 'cuz mine is getting worse all the time insted of impooving...but that's not the topic i guess:)
So seriously .. what is time? .. one of my opinions is, time is the only thing man kind won't be able to manipulate. It is the thing that drives us, the basic factor of beingness, i mean if there wouldn't be time everyting would be still, not moving, not doing anything and life is doing things without a main aim, 'cuz there's only small aims of the big whole, which is meaningless. (that's why searching life's meaning is meaningless!) So if we add all this into one, TIME is MEANING (meaning of life)...but this is olny one thought..and I'll try to state all the others IN TIME:)
forgive me if I made misspellings:)
shit' i forgot what was the topic sorry for i see it was reality so i'll write about that too...soooon
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it's okay, cause this blog requires creativity in a way. no one knows the answer, that is why i dared to begin this blog.
keep on thinking and posting!
yeah, Sno(flake) dont give up ... at least WE understand U ... or not_:)_, just give it a try anyway!
Like i said ... the film "what the bleep do we know?!" tells the truth i believe now:
you can only see the real truth - the reality if you are not faded with the surrounding "static-buzz"..
i'll be back
Reality, the final frontier. No, just joking, I'm not Captain Jean-Luc Picard.:)
So what is reality? I think that reality is simply the world seen through a glass. This glass is very thin when we are born, butas years go by it thickens. As a baby we truly see the world as it is, lacking preconcepts and thinking. We are just observers. We do not want to change the course of how things are. As we grow older we realize that the opportunity is in our hands. We have the power to change our environmetn, the world, even the universe. The glass is thick enough to modify the truth, to modify light, to modify reality. Then at the age of 60-70 we become observers again and we look back humbly on what we did and what the world came to as a result. Reality is the set of things that we see. It is a subset of the world.
I think that's it.
interesting, zuppy...
but is that glass same for everyone?
i mean, does a lawyer perceive the world as a man from a proimordeal tribe?
at birth all people of earth watch the world through the same thin layer of glass. later of course, as the layer thickens, it thickens assimetricaly fro each and every individual. also their can be small particals added, some skretches, which change the properties ofthe glass.
a lawyer's glass shows a totaly different reality then a man from a proimordeal tribe.
whatever it is ... most of the time ... I don't feel I'm involved
(nevertheless, I'll be getting back with a decent comment soon)
aaah but You are, and please we are eager to hear that comment of Yours
Okay, so my comment:
Reality - as it is, does not exist. There are REALITIES, in the plural - and this is what zuppy refers to by the layer-of-glass metaphor - which I really like, btw. The way we perceive the surrounding world depends on our cultures, traditions; in a large part, on our language - as the Sapir & Whorf hypothesis demonstrates. On a smaller level, our social environment and HABITUS (as defined by Pierre Bourdieu - those aspects of culture that are anchored in the body or daily practices of individuals, groups, societies, and nations, including the totality of learned habits, bodily skills, styles, tastes, dispositions, beliefs etc. that are automatically accepted, unquestioned by a specific group), the models we interiorize, all play a defining role in shaping our perceptions.
A more political sidenote: it is the positioning of OUR reception of the world as THE single acceptable reality, or at least the dominant one, with other perceptions only tolerable, or even intolerable - that leads to EXCLUSION on all levels - exclusion and discrimination of groups and individuals representative of groups. And, actually, this is what is wrong with the "tolerance" ideology (I call it an ideology) - it speaks of a position that claims itself to be dominant, and disregards the fact - at least, to me, it is a fact - that each and every world view has its raison d'ĂȘtre (my flatmate has written a nice essay on this topic).
Coming back to language, I find its role in the shaping of our perception of reality especially intriguing. And I do believe that with the dominant media and srtuctures of communication changing - I'm referring to the the spread of online communication, for example - e-mail, chat, blogs, message boards etc. -, our behaviour and perception of human behaviour and human relationships also undergoes a change. I would not risk to claim anything regarding the extent and direction of this change, but I am convinced that it does mean a huge difference in our community forming practices, and through this, our notions of belonging. Belonging becomes, in a way, less localized - or, rather, localities gain a different meaning.
mimi: to your latest comment:
realtionships within a certain e-community (blog, chat ,messageboard,etc.) are fairly misunderstood. with the lack of tone , face-emotions, body language and the unability of decoding these factors might result certain misunderstandings. the beautiful example is the following: we, who have known each other for years (almost) can be misunderstood even within OUR e-community.
but of course, there's nothing to wonder at....
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